Cara pembukaan awal pidato bahasa nggris

Asalam mualaikum Wr. Wb.

            The honoreble head master of vocational high school No. 3 Lubuklinggau Mr. X Underguaded education
            The honereble   All of teachers of vocational high school and All of the staffs and the teachers from university of STKIP Lubuklinggau whom I respect and my friends whom I love and pride

            First of all Let’s thank god who had given us healt and occasion to do flag ceremony every Monday and don’t forget gretting and praying to our prophet Muhammad SAW and all of his friends who had brought us the light bright live now.


            Thank you on your attention of ceremony participant and I am so sory if there are some mistakes on my speechs and let’s  pardon together…….!!!!
            Finally I say..
                        Billahitaufik hidaya wasalam mualikum Wr.Wb
